3 Critical Steps for Choosing the Right ERP System

Choosing the wrong ERP system can set off a domino effect that can bring down your entire project, not to mention the ripple effect that it will cause in other parts of your business. There are so many things to consider before making your final decision to ensure your project is a success, stays within your budget, and is completed on time. Here are a few steps to help you in your selection process.

1. Answer the necessary questions for yourself.

Before anything else can happen, you need to know what it is you’re looking for. Make a list of questions and send this list to other people in the company who will be involved in this decision. Use the answers to help come up with a master list. Start with these questions and build off of them as you go- there will likely be many more.

  1. What do you want to see in a system?
  2. What do you HAVE to see in the system for it to work for your organization?
  3. What can you compromise on?
  4. What is your budget?
  5. Is there any wiggle room in that budget?
  6. What is your time frame?
2. Stick to your guns during the search

After you answer the above questions you should have a pretty concrete idea of what you are looking for in an ERP system. There is a system out there that can handle all of your “must-haves” either out-of-the-box or with some small customizations or add-on products; you just have to find it. It may take time and cause a bit of frustration while you try to find the right solution, but it’sout there and if you put in the time and effort to find just the right one, you will be happy in the long-run.

3. Evaluate your options carefully.

Once you whittle down your list to your final candidates, be very diligent in your evaluation. You can now get down to the knitty gritty and really dig in and ask for more in depth information about the product and the implementation team you will be working with.

This white paper will walk you through six of the biggest mistakes you can make in your ERP decision process and show you how you can avert them.Learn More Here

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