Let’s Talk About Cloud ERP: An Interview with Our VP of Sales

ERP systems have been around for a long time and while cloud technologies are still comparatively young, the two are starting to come together. Our VP of sales, Frank Nisenboum, recently spent time on a podcast with Brad Nellis, the director OHtec (formerly NEOSA) about this convergence of ERP and the cloud. Here are some of the main points from the discussion and a recording of the podcast.

Related Reading: The Case for Cloud ERP in Manufacturing

Cloud computing has been a part of the software world and even our personal lives in one way or another for the past decade in one way or another. Today, the prevalence of cloud technologies in the ERP community is more apparent today that it was only 2-3 years ago. In fact, we’ve seen that 25% of companies who come to us for help with their ERP project are at least considering a cloud ERP solution and half of them wind up implementing one.

Frank and Brad talked more about this and other important cloud ERP topics in their podcast which explored the following:

  • The impact of large companies who are engaged in the cloud, like Microsoft, on the current ERP market.
  • What’s working with the cloud in terms of ERP and what’s not?
  • Why should (or would) a company consider a cloud ERP solution?
  • Why the decision to go cloud should not be based solely on cost.
  • The different types of cloud (for example, single tenant vs. multi-tenant).
  • Important implementation factors to consider.
  • Predictions about how cloud ERP will stack up to traditional ERP solutions over the next 2-4 years.
  • More.

Frank and Brad have both been in the business for a very long time, and they have some incredibly interesting things to say on this topic! Click below to listen to their full conversation. Want to tweet it to your followers? Connect with Frank on LinkedIn to keep the conversation going.

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