Epicor acquired DocStar in 2017 ending the company’s longstanding relationship with Altec doc-link. According to the press release, the “Acquisition Advances Epicor Cloud-First Strategy with Enterprise Content Management and Automated Accounts Payable Solutions Available in the Cloud.” This came as quite a shock to the Epicor community given that DocStar wasn’t a household name – especially in the Epicor world. The acquisition was made to bolster Epicor’s cloud strategy with the benefit of protecting the customer base which historically preferred on-premise deployments.

Epicor ECM Document Management is by default a cloud-based application but can be installed and hosted internally within an organization. It offers virtually identical functionality as the Altec doc-link product and pricing is also comparable. A brief 20-minute overview demonstration of the product is provided below. Contact us for questions about functionality, pricing, or to schedule a detailed product demonstration.

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Expert ERP Group Redefines Data and Campaigns to Drive Greater Revenue with Less Effort

Cloud Accounting Takes the Pain Out of Healthcare Financial Systems