When bringing on new employees, there is normally an onboarding or initial training period. Not only will new hires need to become familiar with internal policies and procedures, but also learn new technology. Whether you are training someone that is new to Epicor ERP or an experienced ERP user, there are a few key points to incorporate when planning training.
Epicor ERP Training Options
Ask your ERP vendor if they offer training and education. Continuing education or new hire training could be part of the service agreement. Many vendors that do not offer training either have an ERP training partner or will be able to direct you to a reputable training provider.
Types of ERP Training:
- classroom
- live webinar training
- video tutorials
- illustrated guides
Conduct Training During the Work Day
Don’t ask employees to train on their own time. Some companies try and get new employees to do training during lunch, on breaks, or after hours. Starting a new position is a major transition and often overwhelming. New hires may get burnt out if they have to train on top of the 40 – 55 hour work week. New hires also may not have the right access or hardware at home to train out of the office. Other data suggests that training outside regular work hours can lead to a negative perception of the company and resistance to training.
Train New Hires Together
If you have new hires, train them as a team. This applies even if they are going to be in different areas of the company. Training in a group will help new employees get to know others and understand how Epicor ERP connects the organization.
Avoid Using Stock Data
Train with your own data. Ensure that the training data is relevant to what the new hire will use in their role. Even if your new hires have experience with an ERP system from past positions, they still need to acclimate to your organization and data.
Incorporate Refresher Epicor ERP Training
Revisit training annually. Over time, people forget the things they have learned. Don’t let your employees end up this way with your ERP system. To make sure they retain the knowledge they learned in training, be sure to refresh training annually. This could be via classroom, video, webinar, or the annual Epicor ERP user conference. Aside from annual training it is also important to train employees with each new upgrade to ensure the new functionality is understood.
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