October 22 | Make a Difference Day

Today is a good day to focus on what you or your company can do to make a difference in the world. Make a Difference Day brings together volunteers from across the country for one of the largest annual single-days of service nationwide. Since 1992, volunteers, communities, and businesses have come together with a single purpose: to improve the lives of others.

The Make a Difference Day website is a wealth of information to help you start a new project or to find a project to participate in.

e2b teknologies is a firm believer in giving back to our community – locally, nationally, and globally. We have a responsibility as a business to support those who cannot support themselves and we encourage every business to take this day to not only give back – but to develop a plan for continued giving for the remainder of the year.

Here are three simple things we do as an organization that might help inspire you. I’m not telling you what we do to brag, but rather, to give you some ideas on how your organization might be able to participate.

• Adopt a Family for Christmas through the Salvation Army

• Adopt a Highway and clean-up the roads annually (will likely be part of your state department of transportation)

• Sponsor a child domestically or internationally through a credible and responsible charity like Save the Children

Here’s the thing – there is literally no end to what you as a person or as a company can do to make the world a better place and sometimes it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to make a huge impact. Below are a few links to get you started.

Charity Navigator: rates charities so you understand what percentage of your donation actually makes it to the cause.

Volunteer Match: helps you find volunteer opportunities in your community and abroad.

Points of Light: one of the largest charitable and volunteer organizations in the world.

Catch A Fire: use your professional skills to help a charitable organization or cause.

Do Something: volunteer opportunities for young people.

Volunteer.Gov: volunteer opportunities through the US government

Help From Home: just what it sounds like – volunteer opportunities without leaving your home. Many great opportunities for shut-ins, elderly, youth, and anyone interested in lending a helping hand.

Youth Volunteer Corps: targeted to youth between the ages of 11 to 18.

Need more ideas? I’m sure if you ask your employees, co-workers, family, and friends you will find many other ways to make a difference. And if all else fails – call us and we’ll help you find something worthwhile to do.

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