Three Reasons to Integrate ERP and CRM

Enterprise Resource Planning allows for your business to practically go on auto-pilot. All processes are streamlined, helping to save money and reduce wasted time. Your customers go hand-in-hand with the rest of the business, so streamlining that process as well is worth the consideration.

Customer Relationship Management software allows your sales and marketing team to work together more efficiently. Without communication among these two departments there is going to be a disconnect, leading to lower sales.

Integrating ERP with CRM simply makes the process of daily business activities easier. While your ERP software is storing your clients’ budgetary association with your organization, CRM is saving their purchases and demographics allowing your sales team to better target their needs. Running these two complimentary programs together ensures better sales, marketing and expenditures.

Here are the top three reasons to integrate ERP and CRM

  1. Increased sales

    Combining ERP with CRM gives a 360 degree view of the customer. The sales team will be better able to assist clients while making purchases since their purchase history, contact data and payment data are all saved in one spot. When it comes to marketing, CRM creates detailed customer reports allowing better visibility into what works and what doesn’t. The reports can show when the highest selling periods were, what campaigns worked and effective sales strategies.

  2. Return on investment

    Your ERP system was probably a good chunk of your annual budget, but it paid off in the end. CRM software is similar in that it isn’t chunk change. Having these two systems work together, however, is well worth the money spent. Your yearly expenses will be lower and less time wasted will help you to realize a large return on investment.

  3. Inventory control

    When every department is able to see what has been ordered and what is in stock, less mistakes are made. There are less instances of having too much or too little product. The solution will automatically update inventory when an item is purchased.

Having all this visibility into your business will streamline almost every process of daily tasks. Offering a full view of the company, better decisions can be made and communication errors will reduce. You will quickly see an increase in sales and customer satisfaction.

We’ve developed these 8 tips to help navigate the many choices for ERP selection.Learn More Here

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