ACMA American Composites Manufacturing Association

The American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) is the composites industry’s largest trade group in the world. The American composites industry is made up of approximately 3,000 companies. In the U.S. it employs more than a half-million people in all 50 states and generates almost $70 billion in revenues annually.

ACMA provides a forum for members of the composites industry to come together to develop shared market opportunities and deal with common challenges. It is recognized as an unmatched source of up-to-date information about the composites industry as well as the premier provider of educational resources relating to the field.

ACMA advocates for the interests of the composites community, proactively and positively affecting regulatory and legislative outcomes on a wide range of policy issues, including energy and environment, worker health/safety, trade policy and job creation. ACMA works to develop and expand markets for composite products in the U.S. and around the globe.

Members serve a diverse cross-section of manufacturing industries including automotive, wind energy, appliances, boats, construction, pipes and tanks, and many other industry segments.

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