4 Tips to Strengthen Your Cybersecurity

Given ongoing digital transformation trends, worldwide cyberattacks are a critical issue that governments, municipalities, and cybersecurity experts must address.


For some, the increase and frequency of sophisticated attacks may seem a par-for-the-course job and concern best left to the experts. But with these attacks occurring multiple times a day on numerous different attack surfaces and systems, this is a problem every small business faces, from top leadership to entry-level employees.


Why is Cybersecurity so Important?

Cybersecurity is the set of measures a company takes to prevent unwanted persons from gaining access to systems and data. There are many other definitions of cybersecurity, but they all refer to the same thing.


In 2020, cybercriminals unleashed more than 1,000 cyberattacks a day within U.S. borders affecting more than 155 million people working in many different industries, including medical, financial, and law companies who already keep data security a top priority. Many of these happen due to theft, loss and most of all, employee mistakes.

Looking ahead – Can’t Let Your Guard Down

Driving up the costs and damage of these data breaches were security system complexities exacerbated by untrained staff and a lack of standard operating procedures. On the other hand, companies with established incident response plans and business continuity processes responded quicker to attacks, reducing the damage done by criminals and the costs associated with fixing.


Even with 1k cyberattacks every day in America, few companies take precautionary measures to strengthen their cybersecurity, and this is the direct consequence of poor cybernetic security education. When the average cost of a data breach in the U.S. in 2020 was $8.64 million, companies should strive for total data protection, weary of all risks.


How to Strengthen Your Cybersecurity?

There are many methods you can use to enhance your cybersecurity– some more effective than others. To improve your company’s cybersecurity capabilities, here are 4 impactful steps you should perform.


Cyber Tip 1 – Implement Identity and Access Management System

Any online platform that works with data associated with your company must include an Identity and Access Management system. This system requires any visitor to log in before gaining access to any company information.

Besides the basic credentials (username and password), you can include a Multi- or Two-Factor Authentication Method (MFA or 2FA). This method requires users to confirm their identity using a second mode (e-mail, phone number, RFID, etc.).


Cyber Tip 2 – Keep Systems and Software Updated (Automated)

Up-to-date software keeps you the most protected and critical for your data security. Update and security patches are packed with security protocol updates while also resolving bugs and repairing potential breach opportunities.

Free you and your team from performing these updates by turning on the Automatic Update function. This downloads and installs any patch that comes from your trusted software providers without requiring action on your end.


 Cyber Tip 3 – Create Cyber-aware Workforce

Since human error is the cause of most breaches, educating your workforce in being cyber aware and keeping your system safe is a top priority. Regular staff training and cybersecurity seminars can help provide valuable resources in an easily digestible (and practicable!) way. For best results, choose a training and educational method according to your employees’ working habits, preferences, and your company’s business model.


 Cyber Tip 4 – Perform Regular Backups (Automated)

Backups are an easy, go-to solution when encountering an unexpected issue with your technology systems. Whether from a data breach, mistakenly deleting essential data, or a flooded server room, you can always restore from the latest backup and be back in business. All your company information is readily accessible again.


Most ERP systems offer Auto Backup functions and use a calendar to create backups of your company’s data periodically. The information can be either saved on a distinct server or sent to you via email.


Businesses that implement Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) into their business approach intend to offset these potential threats with tools that protect their data, reputation, and business from significant consequences.


For more resources and to learn about strengthening your data security, speak to one of our ERP cybersecurity experts today.



e2b teknologies is a passionate and experienced team of industry leaders and business advisers providing thought provoking information to better inform manufacturing companies of advancements within the industry and how it can benefit your business.

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