Smaller companies often don’t realize that there are organizations out there designed to help them grow their business for next to no cost. Here in the Northeast Ohio area we are blessed to have one such organization in COSE – the council for smaller enterprises. COSE ( is the small business arm of the Greater Cleveland Partnership ( The organization is also home to OHTEC (, formerly NEOSA, representing the region’s software and technology industry with webinars, events, and networking opportunities.
Membership is very affordable starting at about $400 annually. This gets you access to the spectrum of COSE services including business discounts, educational events and networking, assistance with medical insurance coverage, and a whole lot more.
The COSE Resource Networking provides access to seasoned experts and entrepreneurs to answer virtually any questions you might have regardless of your industry segment.
There are similar small business groups and associations in almost every major market including local chambers of commerce in cities like Columbus, OH, Toledo, OH, Youngstown, OH, Pittsburgh, PA, Detroit, MI, Erie, PA (and the local Manufacturer & Business Association) and other markets. Also, make sure you check out local Small Business Association, SCORE, and NFIB resources locally.Read more about the seven reasons now is the time to move to cloud financials.