Epicor | Epicor Enterprise

Epicor Enterprise Overview

Platinum Software changed it’s name to Epicor in 1999 following it’s merger with DataWorks and the Epicor we know today was formed in 2011 when Epicor merged with Activant Solutions. Platinum Software Corporation was formed in 1984 in Irvine, CA. One of the early Platinum products, Platinum for Windows (PFW) was sold to Sage Software in 2001. Sage soon acquired Batchmaster for PFW uniting the accounting and process manufacturing applications for the first time in the products’ histories. Platinum remained focused on it’s Enterprise product The product which has had numerous names through the years including Platinum ERA, Epicor ERA, e by Epicor, and Platinum for SQL.

Epicor Enterprise continues to be sold today – especially in international markets but is not considered to be a strategic product in Epicor’s portfolio. At it’s peak, there were likely upwards of 15,000 Epicor Enterprise customers but that number is likely a third of what it was over a decade ago as Epicor has done a superb job filling functional gaps between Epicor Enterprise and Epicor ERP paving the way for many customers to move to Epicor ERP when the time is right for their business.

Epicor Enterprise grew through organic product development and acquisition. Two key acquisitions that fortified the product line were Louisville, KY based FocusSoft (distribution enhancements) and Clientele CRM in 1997. FocusSoft’s Millenia product was positioned as a manufacturing application by the company prior to acquisition. However, the manufacturing capabilities were relatively light in comparison to the enhanced distribution funtionality within the product which integrated seamlessly with Epicor Enteprise. Clientele was a strong independent CRM vendor with a niche in the IT help desk and service area.

Epicor Enterprise is a suite of client/server and Web-based ERP software applications designed for midsized companies worldwide (including divisions and subsidiaries of larger corporations). Epicor Enterprise is typically targeted to either distribution or service-based businesses with revenues between $25 million and $1 billion annually.

Epicor Enterprise is developed primarily in Microsoft Visual Basic on a Microsoft SQL Server relational database. It features a full suite of financial and distribution modules including General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Collection Manager, Cash Management, Asset Managemetn, Lockbox, Positive Pay, Electronic Funds Transfer, Advanced Allocations, Purchasing, Sales Order Processing, Invnetory Management, Royalties, Promotions and Rebates, supplier relationship management (sourcing), and integrated warehouse management and data collection applications. eCommerce modules are also available.

A separate, but related, product is marketed for project-driven service companies called Epicor for Service Enterprises which includes resource management, engagement management, project accounting contract management, and performance management.

Epicor Enterprise includes many customization and integration tools as well as business intelligence, alerting, and reporting modules. It is available in multiple languages and supports multi-currency with a significant installed base in international markets – especially in Latin America and the Asia and Pacific Rim. In fact, early press releases from the company stated that 25% of Epicor Enterprise customers were outside the United States.

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