ERP Security Risks Could Be Affecting Your Data

It seems like ERP vendors are constantly pushing out software updates. These can be hard to keep up with on their own, let alone keeping up with any security features that may have gone away or changed in the process. To ensure that your business data is protected, it is crucial to be aware of what security features do or don’t exist within your ERP system.

Here are three security risks to be on the look-out for.

    As with everything in age of technology, systems can frequently become outdated. Think about your iPhone and how often new updates come out to fix different bugs. Unfortunately, sometimes vendors can charge for every new update that they release. If your ERP solution falls behind in updates, your data could be at risk. Information cannot be safely stored if the solution has aged with little or no alterations.

    Allowing employees to bring their own personal laptops or cell phones to use for work-related tasks might save a company money, but it’s not protecting their data. Although bring your own device can work, it has to be well thought out and planned perfectly. If you’re going to allow employees to use their own devices for work a company policy must be developed. This should define who owns the data that will exist on their device, how often they should be changing passcodes, and how to safely access information outside of the workplace.

    The cloud is the newest and most popular delivery method for ERP software today. Although this solution is the most up-to-date and tech savvy way to deliver your ERP software, it may not always be the safest. It is important to double check your ERP vendor’s security policies when it comes to the cloud, since everything is maintained by a third party, according to ERP Focus.

ERP systems can greatly reduce the time it takes to complete tasks and simplify the process, however, before jumping into a new system it is important to check what kind of security precautions will be taken with your data. Look over every aspect of vendor’s security policies and your own. Reaching out to a consultant before jumping into an ERP solution can help you to make the right security choice for your data.

There is no one-size-fits-all and you have to do some research to find the best ERP solution for you.Learn More Here

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