Moving Your Business to the Cloud

You’ve decided to take the plunge. Moving your business to the cloud and away from on-premise, locally hosted software is a big step, but making this move now makes sense.

But, deciding to make the move to cloud accounting and making the move are entirely separate efforts, so it’s essential to proceed conscientiously and intentionally. Here are a few tips for effectively moving your business to the cloud:

Go all in

While it can be scary to make such a monumental change in the flow of your business, you can undercut your efforts by tip-toeing into cloud-based services. Many companies attempt to maintain both locally hosted and cloud-based operations in tandem while porting over, and in so doing, open themselves up to error and personnel lag.

Keeping redundant accounts on a local system while moving others to the cloud system will create a schism between your workflows that will open your organization up to errors. We are creatures of habit and at least a few people within your organization will resist the change and keep doing things the old way – if they have the option.

Read more: What about a hybrid approach to cloud accounting?

Do your research to make the best decision

Not all providers are created equal and you won’t need all of the solutions or integrations they offer. Know your software requirements and what you intend to achieve when you move to the cloud, then shop for providers offering those services in your industry.

Be sure you don’t wind up paying more than you need to for things you’ll never use simply because you’ve heard of the brand before. There are a lot of capable providers, and many will customize their offerings to your needs. With that said, reputation and company stability matter, so don’t eschew your concerns over top-rated software and providers. Find the balance.

Which integrations will you need?

Among other benefits, integrations help automate manual business processes and create tremendous cost-saving opportunities. Part of your research in choosing the right provider must include which integrations they offer to connect you with other software and service solutions.

Use your new solution to its full potential

Akin to going all in, make sure you invest the time and do the training required to utilize your new solution fully. With the correct provider selected, fully benefiting from their software or service offerings should be relatively turnkey, but don’t take it as a cue to rest just because you did your initial research.

There may be integrations and creative applications of the new system that were not initially on your radar, and you owe it to your stakeholders (and your bottom line) to dive fully into the new system to get the most out of it.

Sage Intacct is our cloud financial system that delivers the tools so you can adapt and successfully compete in today’s connected marketplace.

Intacct’s highly flexible and robust financial management solution will help you discover game-changing solutions to problems you didn’t think you could fix. There’s much more to go through in successfully moving a business to the cloud, but these tips here will help to get you started and thinking in the right direction.

Let us help you begin your move to cloud accounting with Sage Intacct.

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