New Features in SAGE 100

Cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solutions have been steadily gaining traction over the past ten years, but economic disruptions caused by the onset of Covid-19 in 2020 have propelled cloud-based business technologies to an unprecedented level of economic significance. Organizations suddenly found themselves in dire need of remote access to business systems, and many companies that had before been hesitant to commit to a cloud investment finally decided/ were forced to make the leap.


The mad rush to go digital presented more than a sales opportunity for leading ERPs like SAGE: it provided a chance to stress test their products/services on a global scale and improve both through the influx of communication with business leaders.


SAGE has always promoted robust community forums for their products. By listening to the experiences of real users during 2020, the ERP giant was able to leverage users’ knowledge to enhance and improve the functionality, accessibility, and value of their ERP software and office management services.


Here, we’ll take a closer look at some enhancements that SAGE has integrated into their Paperless Office solutions and see how these solutions have been meeting the needs of businesses in 2021.


Detailed Delivery Logs

An idea initially submitted by a customer, SAGE has improved their Paperless Office applications by providing access to enhanced Electronic Delivery Logs. This access comes in application buttons on various tasks, including Customer/Vendor Viewer, Register Viewer, and Period End Reports Viewer, among others.


Paperless Office customers can now access valuable document delivery information, such as the date/time a user sent a document, who sent it and to whom– and even the status of the deliverable. In addition, sophisticated inquiry settings available in Electronic Delivery Submission Lists provide advanced filter options to view by document, customer, sender, and other details.


Default Delivery Options

Another feature added to the Paperless Office is so convenient, it’s a bit of a wonder that Sage hadn’t implemented it already. Users now have access to Default Delivery Options through the Paperless Office Setup menu, allowing them to set default form selections for new customer and vendor records. This time-saver eliminates the need to manually enter information repeatedly when creating individual documents that will have identical data-field entries.


Additional Options when Associating Documents

Traditionally, Paperless Office users that needed to associate documents with journals and registers only had one format option available to them: PDFs. With new format options integrated into the system, SAGE 100 users can associate practically any file type they want – including support for both Word and Excel, image associations, and more.


This access gives SAGE customers more control over their office processes, letting users work with the documents they need – without forcing them first to convert the files.


Improved Document Update Protocols

Another issue addressed in the 2021 version of SAGE 100 is a problem with automatic document updates that incorrectly flag a document as updated once printed as a PDF, regardless of whether the document had been successfully delivered. Interruptions in the electronic delivery process had not been adequately communicated to the Paperless Office system, giving users an inaccurate impression of document status after interruptions had occurred. Improved protocols in the Paperless Office system have fixed this issue.


Additional Email Options

New options in the Paperless Office Delivery system allow businesses to automatically communicate with any specified salespeople to receive a commission from a particular sale. Rather than time-consuming email processes that required individual messages be sent, users can now simply check a box in the Salesperson Maintenance application to enable this feature on orders, invoices, and statements.


Always Listening, Consistently Improving

SAGE has risen to the top of the ERP software industry, not by over-extending themselves into as many industries as possible to increase sales, but by focusing on a narrower range of industries to build the expertise necessary to provide excellence in ERP. They do this by listening to what their customers are saying – both about what they do well and what could be improved.


Through multiple channels, SAGE is constantly communicating with its client partners. Their dedication to providing the best business software available has led to consistent improvements that directly respond to customer needs.



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