Electronic Data Interchange is a requirement for companies large and small when dealing with major retailers, manufacturers, and sometimes even with their distributors. Connecting EDI with your Intuit QuickBooks software can be extremely painful and costly if you pick the wrong partner.

We happen to have a relationship with three very reputable companies that we highly recommend to anyone who needs to automate EDI for either inbound documents from customers or outbound documents to vendors including 810 Invoices, 850 Purchase Orders, 856 Advanced Ship Notice, 997 Functional Acknowledgements, and other documents or files.

Our top three EDI recommendations (in no particular order) include SPS Commerce, TrueCommerce by HighJump, and B2B Gateway. We recommend these three because of their experience, proven results, and the ability to utilize their services with midmarket ERP systems like Sage Intacct, Sage 100cloud, Epicor ERP, and other products when you outgrow Intuit QuickBooks.

SPS Commerce

(www.spscommerce.com) SPA Commerce is probably the largest and most well-known player in the EDI space and for good reason – they have a rock-solid proven track record of success for decades and continue to innovate while maintaining an impressive list of integrations to virtually any and every product on the market. They should without a doubt be on every short list for companies considering EDI.

TrueCommerce by HighJump

(www.truecommerce.com) TrueCommerce is one of the leading EDI products available for Intuit QuickBooks. They’ve been a partner with Intuit for over a decade and are likely the most popular option. They have some advantages including the fact that they act as their own value added network (VAN) for transactions. One downside is that they are somewhat limited in certain industry segments such as automotive supply chains. Best bet is to contact them to discuss your needs in detail.

B2B Gateway

(www.b2bgateway.net) B2B Gateway is a great EDI provider that works very well with both installed and hosted cloud accounting and ERP applications. They have been working with Intuit QuickBooks for many years and should be on your short list of at least three top vendors to evaluate.


(www.1edisource.com) 1EDISource is a fourth vendor to consider – especially for QuickBooks Desktop users. They may not be listed on the Apps.com directory but they are very good at EDI and we really like the value they bring to their customers.

Some other companies that you may want to consider include CavalentWorks, RSSBus, TPSynergy.com, and Lingo EDI Connector. Some industry applications for QuickBooks have their own EDI or pre-established relationships so contact your vendors to ensure that whatever EDI product you select is compatible with your other business applications like Fishbowl Inventory, Cin7, and others.Don’t wait until a crisis forces your hand. The time to act is now. Learn More.

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