Sage 100 2021 Part 1 – Enhanced Security and Communications

Sage 100 is releasing 26 new features to support our 14,000+ active customers and to show our continued investment in this well-loved product. The Release Notes will provide you with the comprehensive list of what is available. Below are some key features we are excited to highlight.
Sage 100 is built for security and compliance. Deep customizability means that it can meet your needs today and as you grow. And because it’s cloud-connected, you maintain control of your system while still leveraging the fundamental benefits of the cloud.

The new launch provides updated security measures to better protect your data and your systems – boosting your reputation and revenue. By implementing security measures into your ERP solution, you can ensure passing security audits such as:
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)

  • GDR
  • CCPA
  • ISO

We’ve added several pre-defined role templates to make it easier to create roles that are specific to your business. Role Maintenance has been enhanced to allow you to quickly assign and remove users to roles, apply changes to multiple roles, along with enhanced search and filtering capabilities to find tasks and security options more easily. These enhancements are not only more convenient, they also makes it easier for you to prove SOC compliance because they can run a report to show exactly who has access to what part of Sage 100. Watch the video below to learn more.

Learn more: Sage 100 2021 Part 2 – Improved Record Keeping Capabilities
Sage 100 2021 Part 3 – Sales Order

Table of Contents

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